10 Healthy Foods You Can Add to Your Dog's Meal (That You Probably Have in Your Fridge/Pantry Already!)
Doghouse Cafe
10 Healthy Foods You Can Add to Your Dog's Meal (That You Probably Have in Your Fridge/Pantry Already!)
Fruits are high in sugar and should be fed in moderation, but feeding a little bit can have enormous benefits for your furry friend! Feeding small amounts often will have the biggest benefit!
Bananas are high in potassium, biotin, fibre and copper.
Apples contain vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as being low-fat.
Berries are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals, and are a powerful antioxidant.
Cantaloupe is full of vitamins and minerals, and low in calories.
Oranges are high in vitamin C and potassium, just remove the peel and seeds.
Kiwi fruits are also high in vitamin C and potassium.
Cranberries can be a fantastic way to assist with bladder problems or urinary infections.
Pumpkins are very high in fibre and vitamin A. It is a great addition for a dog who suffers from gastrointestinal problems such as constipation or diarrhoea. It may also help a dog who has trouble expressing their anal glands.
Always check that fruits are dog friendly before feeding, as some fruits can be toxic or harmful.
There are so many dog-friendly vegetables that can be a fantastic addition to your dog's diet. Think green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach, carrots, zucchini, broccoli, sweet potato, beetroot, green beans… the sky's the limit! Dogs can’t digest plant matter in the same way we can, so blitz it in a food processor or lightly cook it first (steaming is great!). Otherwise you’ll notice that they’ll come out the exact same way they went in, meaning your dog hasn’t absorbed any of the beneficial nutrients. Why not try fermented vegetables? They are FULL of probiotics which are wonderful for your dog's digestive health.
Don’t forget to avoid onions at all costs - they are highly toxic! White potatoes aren’t great either as they are full of starch. Limit the intake of vegetables from the cabbage family too.
Coconut Oil
This one has SO many benefits for your dog, and we add it to almost all of our blends at Doghouse Cafe.
It is fantastic for skin health and making coats shiny and glossy, gut health by assisting with digestion, dental health as it helps to naturally clean teeth and can help ease inflammation. It is an all round fantastic addition to your dogs diet, but feed sparingly (at around 1 teaspoon per 5kgs of your dogs weight per day).
Local Honey
Local honey can be a fantastic addition to dogs' diet as it contains local pollen, so feeding a little bit regularly over a long time can assist your dog with building up an immunity against local allergens. For small dogs, a teaspoon a week is plenty, while big dogs can have up to a tablespoon a week.
They are an amazing source of calcium, phosphorus and many other minerals & nutrients! Chewing on a bone stimulates saliva enzymes which helps prevent plaque buildup on teeth. It can also be a great boredom buster, and provides mental stimulation!
Always supervise your dog while eating a bone, and choose a suitable bone (nothing too small, nothing cooked and nothing weight-bearing).
Adding just a small amount of herbs to your dog's meals can provide a powerhouse of nutrients. There are so many herbs that can be used for specific ailments. Think parsley, turmeric (added in our mobility blend), basil, rosemary and the list goes on!
A wonderful source of probiotics, vitamins and minerals - when fed in small amounts. Although made with cow's milk, it is low in lactose making it a highly digestible option for most dogs, oftentimes even those with lactose intolerance. Choose an unflavoured and unsweetened option.
A great source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are fantastic for skin and coat health. Fish should be a regular addition to your dog's diet, try adding fresh or frozen sardines or salmon, salmon frames or even tinned fish from the supermarket!
Cracking a raw egg over your dog's dinner can provide a huge protein boost! Eggs also contain amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and nutrients! Dogs can even eat the shell. Why not try a quail egg? They are a great option for smaller dogs. Eggs can be fed raw, scrambled or boiled!
Chia Seeds
They are packed with protein, fiber, antioxidants, calcium, iron, magnesium, B vitamins, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds help boost your dog’s immune system, improve skin and coat health, support both the joints and intestinal health.
Before feeding, soak them in water for at least 30 minutes before mixing into your dog’s food. If you feed fresh or raw food, you can also add them dry to your dog’s meals. Most of our raw blends contain chia seeds, along with our BARF option.
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